Creating Information Architecture for the Mentorship Platform

As a Content Designer, I was responsible for analyzing the current Information Architecture, creating a sitemap, conducting tree testing and card sorting, and collaborating with the development and product teams to implement the changes.

Thrive Out Loud


A mentorship program created by Sean’s Legacy that connects early-career LGBTQIA+ young adults aged 18-25 with experienced, like-minded mentors. 


Sean's Legacy

My role

Content Designer, UX Writer, UX Designer

Tools Used

Figma, FigJam, Slack, Chat GPT, Zoom, Google workspace

My Responsibilities

  • Information Architecture
  • Site map creation
  • Labeling
  • Tree testing
  • Card sorting
  • Stakeholder interviews
  • Cross-functional collaboration

Our Team

Content Design Team of 7


February 2024 - April 2024

Problem Statement

Users reported difficulty in finding relevant content and navigating through the platform, leading to high drop-off rates and low user engagement.


An additional problem was the lack of IA caused difficulties in onboarding new team members, communicating with stakeholders, and referencing during updates or redesigns inside our team.

My Goal

I wanted to provide a clear and organized Information Architecture and structure of the website's pages, helping users easily navigate to desired content.


As a bonus, the sitemap could help our team identify gaps and areas for improvement in the content strategy.


It also would serve as a valuable tool for content planning and management.

Content Audit

After thoroughly auditing existing content to understand its organization and relevance, I grouped pages into the relevant categories.

Sitemap Creation

I established a content hierarchy, determining which pieces are top-level (main navigation) and which are sub-level (nested under main categories), and created a first draft of the sitemap.


After analyzing the user journey and defining how users will navigate through the content, it was easier to notice confusing navigation paths.


My new goal was to ensure that the most important and frequently accessed content is easy to find.

Supporting Documents

In addition to creating a sitemap, our team created a page inventory of all content on the website.


Each page now has its assigned unique page ID, making it easier for team members to discuss and coordinate tasks related to individual pages.


In the inventory, we described the status and purpose of all pages.


Feedback and Iteration

After gathering feedback from other teams regarding the site's structure and making adjustments accordingly, I kept working on the information architecture and sitemap.


Additionally, after analyzing the results of the T-shirt sizing exercise conducted by the Product team and considering MVP requirements from the client, I updated the sitemap and page inventory to align with our current plans for the MVP.


I also designated pages that are not within the scope of the current phase in grey to provide clarity.


Challenges and Learnings

Unclear scope for MVP

Challenge: The client often changed the scope for the MVP.


Learning: Be ready to make changes to the existing IA, and ask involved stakeholders to provide more information. 

Additionaly, reach out individually to key stakeholders who could provide valuable insights, clarify what kind of feedback you’re looking for, and provide specific questions.

Development of pages

Challenge: We had several discussions about how some pages should be developed with the stakeholders, it affected labeling pages and even adding or removing them to and from the sitemap.


Learning: Approach the development team with clear questions on how the platform will be developed. Stay in touch with them and ask follow-up questions. Ask to keep you updated on any changes in the platform development.

Creating E-commerce Platform  →
Enhancing User Onboarding Experience →

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(346) 971-2781